Accountant Series Features

A Better Client Write-up

Why Client Write-up? There are major distinctions between General Ledger software designed for business use and Client Write-up software designed for accounting professionals. General Ledgers are intended to record transactions in a preset and balanced environment. Date sensitivity and timing restrictions are commonly encountered in a business ledger because they are actively engaged with a

By |2023-11-09T12:05:01-06:00January 13th, 2022|Accountant Series Features, Front Page|Comments Off on A Better Client Write-up

CertiflexDimension Accounting Software Remote Access

Although CertiflexDimension Ultra is primarily a back-office accounting solution designed for deployment on a Microsoft Windows platform, today’s technology offers a wide variety of platforms and devices to remotely access your accounting system. This whitepaper looks at some of the most common remote access methods. Remote Server Remote Server is server-based software designed to allow

By |2023-11-09T12:05:38-06:00June 14th, 2021|Accountant Series Features, Business Series Features, Front Page|Comments Off on CertiflexDimension Accounting Software Remote Access

Growing Your Accounting Business

In today’s competitive environment,a successful accounting practice must continually maximize their business potential. CertiflexDimension Ultra Client Write-up is a key ingredient to increasing your business. As your business grows, a fully integrated suite of software products stands ready to meet your expanding professional accounting needs. Expand Your Services CertiflexDimension Ultra has the software products to

By |2021-12-23T00:59:12-06:00June 13th, 2015|Accountant Series Features, Industry Specific|Comments Off on Growing Your Accounting Business

Introducing the Best Assistant In Town – Smart Learn

Smart Learn is the ultimate data entry assistant for accountants and bookkeepers. Working from within your CertiflexDimension Ultra Client Write-up, it revolutionizes the time-consuming task of translating the proverbial "shoebox", filled with check stubs, receipts and deposits, into accurate and meaningful financial data. Smart Learn is a unique new concept that seamlessly combines the power

By |2021-12-23T01:04:52-06:00June 13th, 2014|Accountant Series Features|Comments Off on Introducing the Best Assistant In Town – Smart Learn
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