This article applies to installation of CertiflexDimension Ultra in a network environment. If installing CertiflexDimension Ultra in a single workstation environment, refer to CertiflexDimension KnowledgeBase Article Ultra Single User Installation Tips. To install licensed CertiflexDimension software, you are required to enter a registered CD-Key and Authorization Code during the installation.
When installing CertiflexDimension Ultra in a network environment, we strongly recommend one computer be dedicated as a server and not used as a workstation for processing or data entry. The long term benefits of increased up-time, reduced risk of data corruption and fewer system crashes far outweigh the cost of the extra computer. If you have three or more workstations accessing CertiflexDimension Ultra, a dedicated server is required. This article assumes you are installing CertiflexDimension Ultra on a dedicated file server.
TServer – Target Server where CertiflexDimension Ultra programs and data files reside.
AWorkstations – Accounting Workstations accessing CertiflexDimension Ultra located on a target server.
· Before you install CertiflexDimension Ultra
· How to install CertiflexDimension Ultra
· How to add additional Workstations to an existing system
· How to add new accounting modules or increase user count license to an existing system
· How to migrate CertiflexDimension Ultra to a new server
· Miscellaneous network installation information
Before you install CertiflexDimension Ultra. With proper planning, installing CertiflexDimension Ultra in a multi-workstation environment will be a much less complicated task. Before installing CertiflexDimension Ultra, you should determine the folder on your TServer to be used to contain CertiflexDimension Ultra. The installation wizard will prompt you for the folder name to which you wish to install CertiflexDimension Ultra. Although the system does support installing to the root directory of a TServer, we strongly recommend you create a sub-folder such as C:Account or C:Apps. Most network servers employ some level of user security. Installing to a sub-folder will simplify network administrator maintenance of workstation security and mapping. The installation wizard will create a CertiflexDimension Ultra folder CertiFlx\ADVX within the folder you have selected. For example, if you are installing directly to your TServer and your selected destination drive path is C:Account, the installation program will create a C:Account\CertiFlx\ADVX folder. If you are installing from a workstation connected to your server and you have previously mapped a drive L: for the workstation to access the C:Account server folder, then select a destination drive\directory L:. Since the workstation map of L: is actually the C:Account folder of the server, the installation process will again create a C:Account\CertiFlx\ADVX CertiflexDimension Ultra folder on the TServer.
How to install CertiflexDimension Ultra
A simplified overview of how CertiflexDimension Ultra installation works can be thought of in three distinct sections:
Section 1: A CertiflexDimension Ultra folder must be created on the TServer and a corresponding sub-folder system must be established and configured.
Section 2: All AWorkstations having access to accounting software must allow CertiflexDimension Ultra Registry keys to be added to their Windows Registry before using CertiflexDimension Ultra
Section 3: All AWorkstations having access to accounting software must have Pervasive Software database drivers installed in the Windows system folder before using CertiflexDimension Ultra.
Section 4: Part of the main installation process under Section 1 creates a workstation installation program …CertiFlx\ADVX\Cusers\WKSetup.EXE used to complete Section 2 and Section 3 for all AWorkStations. To run this program on an individual workstation, go to Windows Explorer on the workstation and access the …CertiFlx\ADVX\Cusers sub-folder on the TServer. Double-click on WKSetup.EXE to launch the workstation installation program.
When installing CertiflexDimension Ultra in a network environment, you can install directly to your server or from a workstation connected to your server. If you choose to install directly to your server, only the Section 1 installation is performed. Then, all workstations accessing CertiflexDimension Ultra must run the workstation installation program WKSetup.EXE as described in Section 4. If you choose to install from a connected workstation, Section 1, Sections 2 and Section 3 must be executed on the workstation from which the installation is performed. All additional workstations using CertiflexDimension Ultra must run the workstation installation program WKSetup.EXE as described in Section 4.
To begin the main installation, go to the folder where you downloaded CertiflexDimension Ultra ( Ultra_Vxxxxxx.ZIP ). If you have not done so already unzip it. Go to the folder ….\Ultra_Vxxxxxx\CD_V11 select SETUP.EXE and click >OK
• When the RUN window appears, click >OK
To run the installation wizard, select Option 1, Install CertiflexDimension Ultra. If installing directly from your server, at the Installation Type window, select Server Only Installation. If installing from a workstation connected to your server, select Workstation Installation – Dedicated File Server. Click Next to continue the installation. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
How to add additional workstations to an existing system
To run the workstation installation program for a workstation, go to Windows Explorer on the workstation and access the …CertiFlx\ADVX\Cusers CertiflexDimension Ultra sub-folder on the TServer. Double-click on WKSetup.EXE to launch the workstation installation program.
How to add new accounting modules or increase user count to an existing system
1. After purchasing the license to the additional modules or user count increase, Make a backup of existing CertiflexDimension Ultra programs and data. Login in to CertiFlexDimension Ultra and from the pull down Menu options select Help>support options> Update Software license. The system will automatically update the license information from our secure site. If you do not have an internet connection, please contact our Technical Support department.
How to migrate CertiflexDimension Ultra to a new server
To move CertiflexDimension Ultra to a new server:
1. From your old server, with all users logged out of CertiflexDimension Ultra, log in at Administrator security level, access the Backup option and select All data files within the …CertiFlx\ADVX folders. Set the backup location to be a portable USB drive or R/W CD. CertiflexDimension Ultra backup system compresses data at 80% -90%. Approximately 1.0 GB of uncompressed CertiflexDimension Ultra data can be backed up on a 128 MB USB drive.
2. Install CertiflexDimension Ultra on your new server using the Server only installation type.
3. From a single accounting workstation that still has an active map to the old server, manually run CertiflexDimension Ultra on the new server by using Windows Explorer to access the CertiflexDimension Ultra ….CertiFlx\ADVX folder on the new server and double-click load10.Exe. Do not use the CertiflexDimension Ultra icon on the workstation desktop because it is pointing to the old server. CertiflexDimension Ultra should load without asking for a user login. It should also display Sample Company information because this new installation has not yet been used.
4. While in the new CertiflexDimension Ultra, use the Restore option to restore all CertiflexDimension Ultra data. Log out and log back in by double-clicking load10.Exe. This time the workstation should load and all CertiflexDimension Ultra users’ security, configuration settings and data files should be fully accessible.
5. At every workstation using CertiflexDimension Ultra on the new server, run the workstation installation program (…CertiFlx\ADVX\CUsers\WkSetup.Exe) from the new server.
6. After a successful migration to the new server, do not forget to change your server backup system to include the CertiflexDimension Ultra folder on the new server.
7. Most network administrators prefer to disable CertiflexDimension Ultra on the old server to prevent unintentional processing. A quick way to disable CertiflexDimension Ultra on the old server is to rename …CertiFlx\ADVX\load10.Exe to …CertiFlx\ADVX\load10.Old.
Miscellaneous network installation information
Large networks or small networks with a high level of network traffic should consider using a higher level Pervasive Software database driver and engines such as Actian Pervasive client/server v12 or newer or Actian Btrieve V12 or newer. For more detailed information on Pervasive drivers, refer to the Knowledge Base Category Pervasive/Btrieve Datafiles.
Network administrators involved in setting up security in CertiflexDimension Ultra should review the flexible, extensive options fully described in the CertiflexDimension Ultra System Manager Reference Manual.