Q: How do I set up employees who receive direct deposit in the payroll system?
A: Go to >Maintain Lists>Payroll>Employees and select the applicable Employee. Edit Management Information and check the box for Use Direct Deposit then click >Save.
Print your Paycheck Summary and complete your Payroll Check Run as you normally would. Employees receiving direct deposit will appear in the Check Listing along with employees receiving physical checks.
The check numbers assigned to direct deposit transactions are sequential only with other direct deposits and will not affect the sequential numbering of physical checks. (Note: The direct deposit check number sequence is defaulted to PR000001, PR000002, PR000003, etc. but may be customized to fit your needs. This setting is maintained in the payroll check printing format file in the following folder …\CertiFLX\ADVX\CSys\TranWin\PRCHK.FRM
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